Ways to Support the Parish
Your regular financial support of our parish is appreciated. We offer a variety of options for your convenience.
Yearly Offertory Envelope Sets
- A convenience for those making regular weekly donations during Masses
- Includes envelopes for every Sunday and each special diocesan collection
- Available from the parish office upon request
Mail or Drop off your Donation
- Mail to: 3055 Bloor St W, Toronto ON M8X 1C6
- Or drop through the secure mail slot in the Rectory front door
Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG)
- pledge via Direct Debit (on the 20th of each month)
- pledge via Credit Card (after the 20th of each month). Choose your pledge amount(s) and the fund(s) you wish to include in your PAG
- pledge monthly Offertory donations
- pledge monthly donations to specific funds (i.e. ShareLife)
- pledge annual donations to any Special Diocesan Collections or parish funds (i.e ShareLife / Shepherds' Trust / Roof / Sanctuary Floor etc...)
To Enroll (PAG)
- For information or to register, download a pledge form, click the link PAG Authorization and Pledge Form OLS rev Oct 2022 .pdf
- email your completed authorization and pledge form to Dolores
- include an image of your cheque or credit card details
- Alternatively, form and account/credit card details can be dropped off in the secure mail slot at the parish office in a sealed envelope marked: Attention Dolores – PAG
Credit Card through OLS
- Call or email the parish office to make a donation at the parish via credit card
Donate Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto
- Click here and select Our Lady of Sorrows from the drop-down menu
- Make a 1-time or recurring contribution to offertory or other special funds
- Note: Donation receipts for these online donations will be issued by the Archdiocese, not OLS