On Sunday, July 28, 2024 we celebrate the Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. This year Pope Francis chose the theme "Do not cast me off in my old age" (cf. Psalm 71:9). The theme is meant to call attention to the fact that, sadly, loneliness is the bitter lot in the life of many elderly persons, so often the victims of throw-away culture.
The World Day for Grandparents and Elderly, instituted by Pope Francis is celebrated every fourth Sunday of July.
We invite you to read the message from Pope Francis by visiting https://bit.ly/3znYEcK.
We also invite you to read the message from Archbishop Leo here.
Other resource:
Grandparents and the Elderly - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)
Archdiocese of Toronto - Celebrating World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly (archtoronto.org)