Mass Card

Mass Intentions

Parishioners who would like to offer Mass Intentions can either email or leave a voicemail with the parish office at 416 231 6016 with your request. Please include the following information:

  • Intention for a Deceased or Living individual?
  • If you would like an Announced (a particular date & time for the Mass will be booked) or Unannounced Mass (intention given to one of our retired priest to pray for the intention privately) – standard offering is $20 Announced, and $10 Unannounced
  • If you would like a physical Mass Card to be provided
  • Full name of recipient, as you would like it to appear on the card and in the bulletin 
  • Name of the person(s) offering the Mass as it should appear on the card and in the bulletin 
  • Your phone number or email 

Our staff will prepare the Mass Card and contact you to let you know that it is ready for pick up.  You may drop your offering into the mail slot of the rectory or call the parish office to provide your credit card information. 

Reminder: please mark the envelope with the name of the intention and the Mass Date, if applicable.