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Five Types of Prayers

The first type of prayer we focused on in January was Adoration. Adoration prayers praise God for who he is and give thanks to God for what he has done in our lives. Visit here to pray a prayer of adoration.

February focused on the second type of prayer, Petition. Petition prayers ask God, who loves us very much, for a specific need that we have. Petition prayers acknowledge that without God, we can do nothing. We turn to the Lord to seek, ask and petition for his help. Jesus taught us to ask for his help through prayer: “If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.” - John 14. Our problems are not a burden to the Lord. He wants to help us because he loves us. No petition is too large or too small. Please pray with this Petition prayer card.

In March, we start our focus on the third type of prayer, Intercession. Intercession means acting or intervening on behalf of another person. Intercession prayers ask God to have mercy on people and to act through others to help those in need. Access the prayer of intercession here.

As we begin the month of April, we start our focus on the fourth type of prayer, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving prayers help us to recognize the many gifts we have received in our lives. Pope Francis encourages us to focus on these positive blessings in our lives, and broaden our sense of gratitude: “Jesus often gives rise to joy and praise to God in those who encounter him. Let us also try to be in the joy of our encounters with Jesus. If we are bearers of gratitude, the world also becomes better, enough to transmit a little hope. The path to happiness is through giving thanks, as St. Paul described in one of his letters: ‘Pray constantly. In everything, give thanks’.”  As we continue our Lenten journey, we are encouraged to give thanks in prayer. Pick up a Thanksgiving prayer card at the church entrances and make time to pray every day. Access the prayer of thanksgiving here.  





In the Fall of 2023, OLS parishioners 18 years and older were invited to complete a parish engagement survey to help provide a picture of our overall level of spiritual engagement.


Why is Engagement at church important?


Engagement is not the same as involvement. Involvement is what I do at my parish. Engagement is how I feel about my church. Engaged members use the language of “family” about their church. Engagement creates deeper spiritual commitment. Research has shown that by focusing on growing engagement, increased spiritual commitment follows.


Here is an overview of our highest and lowest rated survey questions:

Highest Scores (Hope) Lowest Scores (Biggest Opportunities)
I am a person who is spiritually committed I worship and pray every day
I speak words of kindness to those in need of encouragement I have opportunities to learn and grow
At my parish my spiritual needs are met Besides family, I have a best friend at church


We have invited parishioners from different perspectives to join Focus groups that helped determine where we should focus to be a stronger, more engaged parish. Now, in 2025, we are focusing on the 5 different types of prayer every month. Please find the accompanying prayer cards at the back of the church. 


1) Adoration - January

2) Petition - February

3) Intercession - March

4) Thanksgiving - April

5) Praise - May