Registration is now CLOSED.
2024-2025 Confirmation registration begins the weekend of September 7/8, 2024.
Registration packages will be available at the back of the church after each Mass.
Below are details of the Sacramental Preparation Program.
If you have any questions, please contact Ahmie at
To register: Confirmation Registration Package and email
To be eligible to prepare for and receive a sacrament at Our Lady of Sorrow Parish, participants and their families must fulfill three conditions:
If your family does not regularly attend Sunday Mass at OLS Church and/or is not officially registered with a parish, you are welcome to register with the parish at this time and begin attending regularly. All other families should, at their earliest convenience, contact the parish nearest their home or the parish they regularly attend for information on sacramental preparation.
Children who do not attend a Catholic school are also required to be enrolled in the parish’s Religious Education Program. This is a seven-year program (grade 1 to grade 7) that follows the religious education curriculum set by the TCDSB. See information available on the parish website regarding registration for the parish’s Religious Education Program.
Parish Boundaries:
North: South of Poplar Heights Drive (at Islington) east along Silver Creek to Humber River
East: Humber River
South: West on Glenaden Avenue East, south on Prince Edward Drive South, Reid Manor, south on Royal York Road, Norseman Street
West: Islington Avenue
A communication will be sent out regarding collection of registration fee ($75 per child), submission of your child's Certificate of Catholic Baptism, distribution of First Communion resources and First Communion preparation schedule.
Religious Education Program
Available for Catholic students, grades 1-7 inclusive, not currently attending a Catholic school. The religious education program follows the curriculum set by the TCDSB. Attendance is mandatory for the children who wish to receive their sacraments at OLS Church. For information regarding the Religious Education program, click here.
2024-2025 Registration for both Religious Education (required for children not registered in a Catholic school) and Sacramental Preparation (for all children preparing for sacraments) is currently CLOSED |