


Altar Servers | Lucy Sabada |

Our altar servers are boys, girls and young adults who assist the priest and other people at Saturday and all Sunday Liturgies. Each server is provided with training and a flexible schedule. This is an opportunity for our young parishioners to learn more about their faith!


Adult Altar Servers (Funeral Ministry) | Gabriella Sklar |

Adult altar servers are also needed for weekday Mass celebrated at 9:00 am and funeral Mass which are usually celebrated Monday to Saturday at 11:00 am. Funeral servers would be contacted within 1 to 2 days of upcoming funeral Masses to check availability.


Altar Society | Ronayne O’Connor |

Altar Society is one of the longest running Ministries and makes our church sparkle! Working in teams, volunteers provide care and maintenance of the sacristy and sanctuary and preparations for liturgical celebrations, e.g. polishing brass candle holders, washing holy water dishes and laundering small linens that are used at the Mass.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Daphne Dodig |

The needs of the Church allow for members of the lay faithful, approved by a Bishop or a Priest, to distribute Holy Communion during Mass, supporting the Celebrant. The term ‘Extraordinary’ refers to the distinction between the contingent role served by these ministers and the normative role served by a Priest as the ‘Ordinary’ minister of the Eucharist.


Extraordinary Ministesr of Holy Communion (Sick and Homebound) | Paula Prajza |

These Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are specifically focused on bringing communion to the sick and homebound in the community, thus providing a spiritual work of mercy that brings great comfort to the faithful.Liturgical Ministers


Lector Ministry | Cora Dusk |

The Lector Ministry is rooted in the power of the Word of God. Lectors are trained by current Ministry members, which include a procedural handout and workbook. There are two lectors at each Sunday mass and one at weekday masses. Volunteers are scheduled on a 3-month basis and read approximately once/month for a total of 12-15 readings/year.


Liturgy of the Word with Children | Alicia Britton |

On Sundays at the 9:30am Mass, our young parishioners ages 4-10 are invited to gather in the parish hall after the opening hymn to hear and reflect on the Gospel reading in an age-appropriate adaptation. They will return to their families after the Prayer of the Faithful, during the Offertory Hymn. No pre-registration is required. Volunteers are needed for 2 roles: to assist during the liturgy (suitable for high school, young adults and adults); and, to help lead the liturgy (suitable for adult).


Ministers of Hospitality | Luisa McKee |

At OLS we believe that hospitality is at the forefront of our Catholic faith. Ministers of Hospitality are the first faces seen as parishioners and visitors enter our church, and help to foster a warm and welcoming atmosphere for weekday and weekend Masses and special parish events. They help us feel safe and supported. Interested parishioners are provided with an in-depth orientation.


Music Ministry (Organ, Cantor, and Adult Choir) | Gordon Mansell |

Music at OLS has been a very important part of liturgy and outreach ministry. Our world- re-nowned Casavant pipe organ has been an important foundation of music in the parish, supporting our cantors, choir and congregation. Together, we collaborate with the congregation in the singing of our parish hymns, provide inspirational prayerful music and assist in creating a joyful environment. Should you wish to be part of this wonderful team of music-makers, the Adult choir rehearses Thursday nights in the choir loft from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. This choir supports the 11:00am Sunday Mass and at special liturgical celebrations throughout the year.


Music Ministry (Children’s Choir) | Alejandra Ballon |

The Children’s Choir supports the 9:30 am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are every Thursday afternoon at 4:00 pm. Come to learn and sing with Ms. Ale!