


Baptism Preparation | Cynthia Wujek |

Baptism preparation is for registered parishioners who are requesting baptism for their children. This 2-hour preparation class is held monthly in the evening at OLS. The opportunities to serve on the baptism preparation team include leading the presentation and discussion; preparing communications for participants; and assisting families at the celebration of the Baptismal rite at Mass.


Religious Education | Halina Ogonek |

Our ministry provides religious education for Catholic students, grades 1-7 inclusive, who are not attending a Catholic school. Our program follows the religious education curriculum set by the TCDSB and is run exclusively through the dedication of parents of enrolled students, parish members, high school and university students and student teachers. Classes are being run in person on Monday evenings at OLS school. There is a critical need for more volunteers to help teach the program in order to ensure the 100+ registered students can be taught!


First Communion | Anna Chelmecki | 

First Communion preparation is for registered parishioners who are requesting the sacrament for children in grade 2. Sessions will be held in-person in the parish hall.  Registration is required in September.


Confirmation | Patricia Dal Ben |

Confirmation preparation is for registered parishioners who are requestion the sacrament for children in grade 7. Sessions will be held in-person in the parish hall. Registration is required in September.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) | Gabriella Sklar |

RCIA is the process by which adults become initiated into the life of the Catholic Church over an extend period of time culminating in the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. There are three opportunities to serve in the RCIA Ministry: Team Member - facilitating RCIA catechetical sessions; Sponsor - committed Catholics who stand as witnesses to the candidates’ character and attend RCIA meetings; and, Break Open the Word Leaders who join candidates for a prayerful re-reading and reflection on the weekly Sunday Gospel.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) | John Wujek |

RCIC helps a child (ages 6-12) become Catholic through classes about Catholic Traditions, Catechism, Sacraments and Prayer. This journey toward the Sacrament of Baptism includes regular church attendance and ongoing faith celebration at home. These sessions allow children to deepen their relationship with Jesus, who truly loves and cares for them.