baby held by her father being baptized

Baptisms at OLS

Welcome! We are so happy that you are seeking to have your child baptized. 

Preparing for your child's baptism. 

The Sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of a new life of grace for your child.

It is the first Sacrament in the Catholic faith and the door to all other Sacraments and life in the Church.

Through baptism, the baptized receives justifying and sanctifying grace, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in them and they become members of the Kingdom of God.

Since baptism is such an important moment for your child, it is important to prepare both for the ceremony and for the commitments of raising your child in the Catholic faith.

First Steps

Do you live in the Our Lady of Sorrows (OLS) parish boundary? See parish boundary map and details at the end of the page.

If you are not in the parish boundary: please contact the Catholic church nearest to where you live. Similar to school boundaries, the Catholic church that is closest to you is designated to be your “home” parish, nearest to the neighbourhood your child will grow up in and likely go to school. They will help support your family throughout your faith journey.

If you are in the OLS Parish boundary: your family must be registered and active members of Our Lady of Sorrows. What does this mean?

Baptism Requirements for OLS Families

There is a 3-month time of preparation for parents/guardians prior to booking your child’s Baptism date.

This includes:

  1. Confirm your commitment to faith life as a family. You are your child’s first teachers of faith and OLS church is your spiritual home. The first step is to actively practice your faith before (and after) your child’s Baptism. This includes attending Mass as a family, praying together and participating in parish life/activities. There are many ways to live your faith at OLS and supports to help all families, including:
  • Sunday 9:30 am “Family Mass”. While there are 5 masses each weekend at OLS, families with young babies and young children are encouraged to attend this weekly Mass time. For children 4-10 years old, this Mass also includes the Liturgy of the Word with Children and the Junior Choir.
  • OLS Moms group: Pray and Play - Moms and babies ages 4 and under are invited to meet up every 3rd Tuesday in the OLS parish hall.
  • Family Monthly Movie Afternoons - You are invited to come join us in the parish hall on the 4th Saturday of each month. Watch a family-friendly movie, meet other families in the parish and enjoy some popcorn and pizza!
  • Get involved! Share your time and talents – it takes many hands and different talents to build a strong and vibrant community. Click here for the different ministries and volunteer opportunities.  You may also send an email to
  • Contribute – help build programs for families and support the ongoing needs of OLS Parish and charities. Pick up your box of donation envelopes from the church entrance or the parish office. Or sign up for pre-authorized giving.
  1. Your child must be under the age of 6. If your child is 6 years or older, they are no longer an “infant” (Canon Law 97.2), and he/she will need to prepare to receive the sacrament by attending CIC (Children Initiation classes) or RCIA (Catholic Initiation for adults), depending on their age. These classes vary throughout the year, please email (CIC) or (RCIA).
  2. At least one parent (or legal guardian) must give consent for the baptism. That parent (or legal guardian) must be a baptized Catholic.
  3. Parents must make a commitment to raise the child in the Catholic faith which includes going to Mass every Sunday.
  4. Complete the Baptism Registration and Godparents forms which will be provided to you by the Baptism Prep Team. You will be also be asked to send a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and a program fee of $75.00. This fee is to defer costs of the program; Baptism team members are all volunteers.
  5. Both parents/guardians (even if one is non-Catholic) must attend the OLS Baptism Prep session. 
  6. Baptism Enquiry Form. To get started, please complete this short form and email to

Requirements of the Godparents:

  •  You may have 1 or 2 godparents. If your select 2 godparents, 1 female and 1 male. The parents of the child cannot be godparents.
  • The purpose of Godparents is to help your child throughout their faith journey, as good examples of Christian life.
  • Godparents must be at least 16 years older and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. They need to be single, living a chaste life, or married in the Catholic church and be registered and practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.
  • If there is only 1 Catholic Godparent, there may be 1 non-Catholic Christian witness. A non-Catholic is a witness to the baptism. Their names will be on the baptismal certificate, with a notation. Christian witnesses must also be baptized.

Scheduling the Baptism:

Once the preparation time is completed, the Baptism Team will work with you to select from available Baptism date and that also work best for your family. Baptisms at OLS are scheduled during specific Masses, which vary each month.

We are now preparing families for Fall baptism dates in November and December.

We look forward to working with you on your child's Baptism at OLS!

To get the process started, please email the Baptism Enquiry Form to

 Parish Boundary

Parish Boundary Map

Parish Boundary Text