“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is a core principle in Catholic and Christian life. As individuals we are stewards or managers of the gifts God has given us. We are called to imitate Jesus by being other-centred rather than self-centred and be grateful and generous with our gifts. Living out our faith means that we are expected share our time, talent and treasure to build up our Church and make our world a better place.
As such, the goal of stewardship at Our Lady of Sorrows is to increase our personal engagement in the life of our church as a steward, become more involved, and in turn, deepen our relationship with God.
How can I grow in my faith?
The more deeply we grow in love for God, the more our hearts see stewardship as a way of life and see everything good as gifts received from God -- and respond in gratitude with the gift of self.
In the deepening conversion of love, a steward learns to give of self through time, talent and treasure, not out of obligation and duty, but out of a sincere and growing desire.
As Archbishop Leo reflects in his 2024 Stewardship address:
“Stewardship is the crucial process or a way of living our Catholic faith. In the past we have heard about stewardship almost exclusively with respect to sharing gifts, using our talents and resources in service of God and the community…but it is not the entire story…
When speaking of stewardship more along the lines of a life-giving development of faith and engagement, a dynamic transformation, a way of being Catholic and follower of the Incarnate God, a living and active commitment that changes life an changes lives -- then it is not a one-time act of giving or sacrifice, or even awareness.”
Watch the entirety of Archbishop Leo's Address for Stewardship Sunday 2024.
What’s the best path for me?
Stewardship is a natural part of our faith journey. The first step is to reflect on your own personal talents and then take time to actively discover what options are available. Ask yourself: What are my natural talents? What do I like to do?
Here are the 5 categories Stewardship at Our Lady of Sorrows with a high-level view of the ministries under each:
Catechesis |
Evangelization |
Liturgy |
Parish Support |
Outreach |
Baptism Preparation Religious Ed First Communion & Confirmation RCIA & RCIC |
Alpha Bible Study Family Life |
Alter Servers Alter Society Ministers of Holy Communion Lectors Liturgy of the Word with Children Music – children & adult choirs |
Building Committee Finance Committee Livestream Team Senior Leadership Team |
Eculinks & Social Justice Mental Health Initiative St Vincent de Paul ShareLife |
There are many ways to share your gifts and live your faith at OLS. But perhaps the best way to explore what is the best fit, is by the example of others. For five weeks, starting September 29, 2024 to October 27, 2024, we will feature volunteers from a ministry under each Stewardship category. Please read these inspiring testimonies from your fellow parishioners in the corresponding e-bulletin and explore the many ways you can share your time and talents. See the different ministries at OLS here.
Discover your unique path to enrich our parish together!
“Use the gifts you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.”
– St Therese of Lisieux